Financial Stewardship


Make a gift to support Fort Massey’s ministries

Ways to Contribute:

You can make your donations by e-transfer to

You can also donate through PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) by downloading and completing the form here. Individuals need to be able to print off the form for completion and then to scan the completed form, including the void cheque, and email them to Ruth MacKenzie at It is possible to go ON and OFF PAR at any time. 

You can also donate through CanadaHelps or Charitable Impact.

Donations may be placed on the offering plate on Sunday mornings; one-time offering envelopes are available. Please see Ruth MacKenzie if interested in receiving a box of numbered envelopes for the year.

During the week, donations can be deposited through the mail slot at 5303 Tobin Street, or can be posted to 5303 Tobin Street, Halifax, B3H 1S3 (Cheques only, please – no cash!)

Imagining One United Church Update

Capital Costs Assessment October 2024